X Flight Deck
By The X-Flight Dude

On this page you will find many free aircraft,
and link to some of the best ones to buy
So you are now close to having an amazing flight experience in your simulator.
You will also find more and more airplanes, these airplans are the ones
we love and like, and I can realy recommend you.
We know how to build the sim from basic.
Already today your sim will look more realistic.
Everything you find on these web pages are for free!!​

Top Airbus

Airbus BelugaXL
I am happy to present you the friendliest airplane in the skies: The Airbus A330-743L "BelugaXL"
The plane is based on the A330-200F (Freighter) and is used to transport aircraft parts between the different production sites in Europe.
EIS was in January 2020, the BelugaXL is the successor of the Beluga (A300B4-600ST) and its fleet will grow to 6 planes in the future.
The amazing livery was chosen by Airbus employees, which I find simply great. It always comes with a smile.

Airbus A310-300
This is Raligard's A310 that I converted to X-plane 11 and re-uploaded with his permission, I have given it a Default X-Plane 11 FMC, new and improved sounds, and visible glass windows (not textures). This is a true Christmas gift for the X-plane 11 community, and once again thanks to Raligard for letting me do everything I did.
Sorry about the download consisting of two files, that's the only way i could upload it, just take the continents of both folders and put them into one.
And for anyone's who's curious all screenshots were taken at CYWG

Airbus A318 Riviere's incl the upgrad
First of all, this isn't my aircraft, this is Riviere's A318 converted from I think XP 8 or 9 to XP11. No instruments were changed nor the sounds because I don't have time to photoshop the cockpit, place the new CDU image and then place the CDU on plane maker. Anyways here it is. Works 100% with XP11. I got re-upload permission from Riviere
Designer: Pdsterling2 & MGouge
Product: XFD SCN
Version: 1.0.3
Price: Free
UpDate (d.m.y): 15.12.2020